Thursday, May 1, 2008

B9508043 anshun-Xi-hu

Xi-hu Village
In Xi-hu Village, in the spring time, The blue rain (?) so tiresome,I walk into the house.
In Xi-hu Village, you get your icyfood(?) from The Main avenue On the road.
Where people dress very similar passion is so familiar, everywhere you turn It’s there.
I sit and wonder what am I doing here?
But at home I am anyone I am anything
I want to be.
I could be a house plant or athlete
And you wouldn’t know the difference
Or would you
In Xi-hu Village , all the people
Got a famous product
Like grapes and mutton stewed in herbal soup
And famous fruit and vegetables market
In Xi-hu Village, you’ll have to guard those pack rat
Or they will prig your effects
I never felt so lonely,
Never felt so satisfied
I never wanted something more than this

1 comment:

NTUST BA 2008 Reading and Writing said...

Hello, I'm Chelsea. I had been to Xi-hu village,when I was a high school student.
The mutton stewed in herbal soup is very delicious.
And it is different from other place. It's one of the specialty in Xi-hu village.
If I have free time, I will go there again.