Sunday, May 11, 2008

5/16 narrative writing presentation

In this writing assignment, you are asked to

1.Think of an interesting story of yours
2.Tell a story of the event to your partner.
3.Write down something about your classmate’s story from your partner.
4.Use 3nd person voice
5.Use past tense
6.Show the chronological order

In the presentation
On your slides, please show your outline, topic setnece=Subject+ main idea, supporting details
show the pictures and tell the story of your classmate to the class

Who-Cypress College classmate
What her name-Irene
What she like-generous and outgoing a good sport
What event- got a new car
What happened- show her friend
Her friend played a joke on her
What joke- park the car in the lot
Put note
Scratch car
How she felt-shock
What the result – very shock, but fine
Get even with her friends

Topic sentence=Irene was a generous classmate and she was also a pretty good sport when we studied at Cypress College.

A good sport –Irene

Irene was a generous classmate and she was also a pretty good sport when we studied at Cypress College. She is that kind of girl who is able to take a joke without getting hurt or insulted. One day, her father bought her a new car and she was very excited. She invited a couple of friends out to show her friends and celebrate. So when they got to the restaurant, they told Irene to park in the lot instead of on the street. The car would be safer there. They warmed her about how it is with a new car on the street since all of them really didn’t want anything to happen to it. After they finished dinner, and when they got to the care, there’s this note from some woman apologizing for scratching her car.
She couldn’t believe it, so she started walking around the car looking for the damage, but she can’t see anything wrong. Her friends all start cracking up. It turns out they had left the note on the car as a joke. It was all made up. She felt dumb. But no harm don. Once she got over the shock, she was fine. She said she’ll get even with those guys some day.

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