Thursday, November 13, 2008

B9608043 Read Extension Ming-Bancioa

In Banciao, in the evening time

The long street so crowded
I walk into the crowd

In Banciao

you get your cocktail from the relax seat on the bar

Where people dress quite pretty

Beauty is so ordinary, everywhere you turn It's there.

I sit and wonder "what am I doing here?"

But on the telephone line I am anyone I am anything I want to be.

I could be a briliant philosopher or poor worker

And you wouldn't know the difference

Or would you?

In Banciao, all the people got cool names

Like Jake or Mandy

And special hair style too

In Banciao, on the boulevard,

You'll have to notice those driver

Or they'll crash you down

I never felt so lonely,

Never felt so uncertainly

I never wanted something like this

I could be a briliant philosopher or poor worker

And you wouldn't know the difference

On the telephone line, I am any job

I am any status I want to be

I could be a caped crusader, or super hero

And you wouldn't know the difference

Or would you?

1 comment:

NTUST BA 2008 Reading and Writing said...

Hello, I‘m Christian. After reading your article, I think your hometown is a nice place. The picture of Taipei County Government building is so magnificent, and its night scene is also beautiful. I can feel Banciao really is a prosperous and populous city in Taipei County. However, because of this, I think there are some inevitable problems such as the crowded streets, the congestion of traffic and the cost of living. Anyway, I still believe living in the city is more convenient than country. You are so lucky to live in Banciao City!