Saturday, June 7, 2008

B9508009 Annie-sport news - NTUST secure a over win NFU


who-ntust baseball team
who is the competitor-National Formosa University
who was chosen the most valuable player and get the best outfielder-SAZUKA KOJI
what-attend the competition of Chinese Professional Baseball League Cup
how were they feeling-no pain no gain

NTUST secure a over win NFU

(12/29 Douliou report)
The last competition of Chinese Professional Baseball League Cup on December 29th was National Taiwan University of Science and Technology versus National Formosa University. At the very start of the competition, they both scored one point. In the second inning, the game reached a deadlock; but after Sazuka Koji hit a tripple and got three points NTUST was in the lead. Sazuka Koji was 4-for-1 with a tripple and a RBI. “He is a great hitter, even though his waist got hurt before” NTUST captain Victor said. “ I’m not going to make excuses like that” Sazuka Koji said. Although NFU hoped to catch up with NTUST, it didn’t work. “We practice hard every week, and we all believe no pain no gain!” team manager Angleine said. Finally, NTUST got 8 points to secure a over win NFU, and Sazuka koji was chosen as the team’s most valuable player and the best outfielder of the Chinese Professional Baseball League cup


NTUST BA 2008 Reading and Writing said...

I want to say sorry for my posting late. But I don't have the excuse, I just have to say sorry to everyone. Besides I want to post the picture, but it can't use. I put the live show that last time couldn't show to everybody.

NTUST BA 2008 Reading and Writing said...

the upstair is me, Annie.

NTUST BA 2008 Reading and Writing said...

Hi Annie
You did a very nice job on reporting this piece of sport news. I'm very proud of you. So glad that we are finally able to watch the video you wanted to show us. I did kind of underestimate your writing ability to ask you switch your article genre with Shine. No hard feeling, all right? By Alice

NTUST BA 2008 Reading and Writing said...

Hello! I am Shine. I think your article is well-organized. And you also use the correct word. However, I think you give the readers too less support ideas so that you might not pursuade the readers for sure. If you can revise this disadvantage, your article must be better.